Key points for every customer’s purchasing decision
In most cases, buying used goods is a win-win! The buyer gets what he or she needs, the seller is able to make a profit, and it’s more environmentally sound than purchasing brand new products over and over again.
Used tires have the same advantages, and here at Carolina Pick-N-Pull, we make sure that our inventory has nothing but the best for our customers to choose from in order to even out the pros and cons list.
But if you’ve never bought used tires from an auto parts salvage center like ours, or you’re not necessarily a car expert, the idea might be a little daunting. Check out a few pointers from our experienced staff and see if buying used tires is the right move for you and your daily driver.
Your driving habits and know-how
How do you normally treat your car? Are you a mechanical aficionada who spends weekends or days off from work tweaking here and there to improve your driving experience? Or maybe you prefer to let someone else take a look under the hood. Perhaps you like to go off-roading, or you stay within city limits.
Used tires can last just as long as brand new ones with the proper care and treatment, so our first suggestion to anyone considering purchasing used tires is to know your own driving habits and vehicular expertise. Because if you’re rough on those well-loved tires, or don’t heed the warning signs that they’re starting to give too much, you could end up right where you started: needing a new set of wheels in a pinch.
Cost comparison
One of the more obvious pros for buying used tires is that they tend to save the buyer a decent chunk of change when compared to the cost of a new set from the same brand. More often than not, auto supply stores and salvage centers like ours are willing to bring the price down because the tires have seen a few miles, but are still perfectly usable. But, if some of your answers in the questions we posed earlier regarding driving habits indicate that you expect rough roads ahead, then the reduced cost might not make much of a difference to you. It boils down to how often you might need to replace worn tires, and the condition in which you find your replacements at the time of purchase.
The source
Unfortunately, not all auto parts salvage centers are as committed to quality as Carolina Pick-N-Pull’s locations. Each tire we have in stock is inspected for noticeable signs of defect or damage before being made available for purchase, so you can make a knowledgeable decision on the spot about whether or not you want to invest in one or a whole set. That being said, we highly recommend that no matter where you buy your used tires, you always have them inspected again by whoever is handling your professional installation. In particular, have your mechanic check for overall quality, potential for underlying damage, and the wear on the tread before putting them on your car and driving off on your next adventure.
If you’re in the market for a set of used tires, you’re in luck! All of Carolina Pick-N-Pull’s locations keep a steady supply of quality products, and you can keep an eye on our inventory or set up alerts for when we have what you need. Contact us for more information!